A History of Shellman (1827-1950) discusses the history of present-day Shellman and surrounding environs. To open the document, click here.
Section 1: Overview orients the reader and provide helpful information for using the text.
Section 2: Land Ownership Around Shellman (1827-1883) describes the transformation from wilderness to farmland, highlighting the families who played a key role.
Section 3: The Railroad explains the events that brought the railroad through the area and established the depot known as Ward’s Station, around which the city of Shellman formed.
Section 4: Commerce describes the shift of the economy from solely agriculture to a mix of agriculture, agribusiness, and retail commerce.
Section 5: Religion and Culture relates the growth of churches, schools, women’s and men’s organizations, etc. which shaped the religious and cultural life of the new town.
Section 6: Sources describes source material.
The document can be printed, but is more useful when viewed on a computer which is connected to the internet.
The online document can be searched. This allows the reader to quickly find to a topic of interest, such as a family name. To open a search bar, simultaneously press the control key and the “F” key.
The online document also contains links which connect the reader to websites that provide additional depth on the topic.
Where possible, the links connect to websites which offer their content without the need for a paid subscription. Many of the links, however, connect to the Ancestry.com website. Much of the Ancestry.com content is available only to paid subscribers. Readers who wish to access that information may either subscribe to Ancestry.com, or ask the assistance of an institution, such as a library, that holds a subscription.
Several of the links connect to interactive maps. Simply move your cursor around the map for details to appear. For example, the map of the Oliver Family holdings highlights the land lots owned by the family; moving your cursor over one of the highlighted lots reveals the history of the lot.